Not all people who snowshoe trample on ski tracks.  I skied all the trails out of Ellis Trailhead starting in 1988. That was when there was no parking lot or bathrooms. Then in 2005 my knees gave out.  My legs are weaker.  I love being in the snow and on the trails out of Ellis.  So I snowshoe now.  If I’m with others I encourage them to stay out of ski tracks.  
I think there’s enough mountain & beautiful trails for all to enjoy. 
Happy Trails, art Bazán

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On Feb 18, 2023, at 1:48 PM, Gordon Eatman via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

most hikers and snowshoers dont know/ understand. Make a sign on a stick " please do not walk or snowshoe directly in the ski tracks"

On Saturday, February 18, 2023 at 09:55:07 AM MST, Nancy Varvil via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

I sent this before I meant to. 

The line that got deleted when I sent this is "Always, alongside the tracks were a trail of snowshoes on one side and a walking path on the other."

Nancy Varvil

On Saturday, February 18, 2023 at 09:52:58 AM MST, Nancy Varvil <> wrote:

A friend and I went over to ski that proposed beginner trail in Santa Fe yesterday.  Lisa's directions are perfect and the snow was perfect.  But after we followed the tracks aways, someone's footprints obliterated them, then they went off in direction of a home.     When we came back down the trail, someone had walked in and damaged our tracks all the way to the beginning.  We felt bad that someone wanted to ruin the prospect of skiers enjoying a once-in-a-few-decades chance for skiing a simpler, more level trail in Santa Fe.

On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 02:31:19 PM MST, Lisa Hales via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Hi All,

Someone asked awhile back in this egroup about beginner x-country skiing near Santa Fe.  I believe I responded that, when conditions are right (ie enough snow), skiing in some of the arroyos just above town can be perfect for beginners. Well, the conditions are here! I just got back from setting track in the arroyo that runs from the intersection of Mansion Dr/Mansion Ridge Dr north to Camino Encantado (a little under a mile in length.)  The snow is fantastic -- best since I moved here 3 winters ago.  It should still be good tomorrow too.

To get to this spot just go north from downtown on Bishop's Lodge Road.  After around a mile you turn left on Mansion Dr (towards the Governor's house) then the first right on Mansion Ridge Rd.  Park on the right about where the fence/wall begins (careful to pull off a little so that cars can see and get around you but not too much so you dont get stuck in the snow)  The arroyo is on the right/east side about 15 feet down a moderate slope-- you can go down along the side of the fence/wall.  I would walk that part and put your skis on after. 

This is a great outing for those who are unsure on their skis and/or worried about driving in the snow. The terrain and the drive from pretty much anywhere in Santa Fe are both very easy.

Have fun! 
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