On Sunday 19 February, Tom and Lynda Katonak - along with Tom Broadbent - skied one of the more interesting routes in the Jemez Mountains.

We started at the gate on Forest Service Road 276 about 10:30 am. From here we skied about 1.25 miles thru untracked snow of variable conditions.  The temperature was close to freezing and it was overcast with intermittent wind gusts. The snow was ‘problematic’ due to the every changing shade from the trees.  We were on the verge of applying fresh Maxiglide - but held off.

We turned east of Forrest Service Rd. 604 and skied the long grade up to the very scenic Tent Rocks overlook - being very careful not to go over the edge.  This brought our mileage up to 2 miles.

The trip back to the cars was much easier since we were now skiing in our track.  The temperature was in the low 40’s when we got back

Tom K skied another half mile S. one FSR 376 to bring the total mileage up to 5 miles.

The total trip took about 3.5 hours.

Lynda skiing in the track on FSR 376

Tom B and Lynda

Tom K and Tom B

Tent Rocks Overlook

TK at the overlook

Route Map:  Red dot is the FSR 276 gate