If my work event gets cancelled due to wind James and I would love to go. I should know by Friday pm.
> On Mar 8, 2023, at 22:37, dana_price--- via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
> Ski friends,
> Crazy, maybe but Stacey and I haven’t skied the Winsor yet this season. So let’s go! We may have to hike the steep section because it’ll be hard packed and icy. But it could snow a little in the afternoon.
> Meet: Saturday Mar. 11, 7 am at Target- Paseo & I-25, west side of store & lot ;
> Or 8:30-ish at the Winsor trailhead parking (possibly later if traffic is bad). Let me know if you plan to meet us there so we can look for you.
> Bring: backcountry skis with skins (*** the first half mile is quite steep and hard packed ***)
> Your usual ski daypack with water, snack/lunch, extra layer etc.
> Gas $$ if you’re riding with someone- suggest $10
> Good attitude and smiles 😀
> Dana
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