Also skiing at the Crest today. So here’s an update as of 3:30 PM.
 I skied up switch back and down Buried cable and now taking a break back at the parking lot. I saw everal snow plows going down the road and it looks like the road is pretty clear now. The snow is great, but once the sun came out in mid afternoon, the snow was really soft and sticky in the sunny parts. Need some kind of glide wax for sure. The service road was plowed and would’ve been pretty rough except for a few inches of fresh snow. Access is best by carrying 
your skis up to the barrier and then crawling through there before putting your skis on.
Rob Evans

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On Mar 23, 2023, at 3:04 PM, David D Antonio via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Came down about 1:30 and the road was unplowed, totally snow covered above 9 Mile but not a problem with an AWD. Skied the Survey, about 2-3 inches new, still snowing when I left but clear now. No one on the trails, 3 new trees down (2 together, difficult to get around/over) and no tracks until I skied the last 1/4 mile to the 10K. Turned around there.
The Service Road is plowed, so you need to be creative to access the trails. Worth it, great snow today.
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