Report for Sandias. 
Friday March 24. As of 3 PM.
I-40-clear to wet. 
North 14: wet and snowing. 
Crest road:  wet road to 9 mile then snow packed and narrow lanes on the switchbacks especially the one right below Ellis.  
Snow conditions: Heavenly snow conditions. Best snow in years. Klaus trail was tracked by skiers and gravel pit by snowshoes.  Difficult to cross over from Klaus to Gravel Pit due to high snow berm from plowing the service road.  Service road had 3” of new snow. Snowing heavily. Minimal wind. 24°.  
Parking: parking lots plowed but snow accumulating about 1” per hour. 
Photo is Ellis parking at 3:00 pm Friday.  Some empty slots. 
Second Photo is the Crest road above 9 mile at 3:00 pm Friday the 24th. 
Stay safe. Lynn Asbury

Lynn A. iPhone 
Cell: 505-550-4198