Ski Club Members- Please avoid a tendency to use our Egroups system for conversation, i.e., 'chatter', which fills Members' inboxes and increases frustration toward our communication system. For instance, this last 10:05am email went out to not only Jack and Mary, but all 280+ members!
When replying to these wonderful announcements of "Hey, let's do this!...", instead of pressing 'Reply' or 'Reply All' simply press 'Forward' and send your reply back to the sender. You can find the sender's address in the drop-down under the initiating address. Then the impromptu 'organizer' could make a listserve or just reply back personally.
It's way too exciting that we can keep skiing, and we love for these great trip ideas to go out! And we want everyone to know- Yes! but the little chatter we can keep to the relevant individuals. **We have a short season, and a wonderful season this year**. It has been fun to enjoy it with this quality Club.
Bet Gendron