Hello Mary K. I am available to help as a volunteer for the ski swap. My preference would be Sat morning, if it’s set up for half day period. If not let me know. 
Rich Besser 

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From: NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup-bounces@mailman.swcp.com> on behalf of Mary K. Gallagher via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2023 8:58:55 AM
To: NMCCSC <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com>
Subject: [NMCCSC] NM Ski Swap @ Expo NM October 27-29, 2023 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
It's that time of year for the NM Ski Swap, the largest fund-raising event for the Sandia Peak Ski Patrol.  It is also the biggest winter sports show in New Mexico.

This venue is for individuals and vendors from New Mexico and adjoining states to buy and sell new and used winter sports gear including Nordic ski equipment. 

New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club will have a table at the Swap to provide information about the club and, hopefully, recruit new members.  This is an opportunity for club members who are downsizing their ski equipment to donate or sell. Friday night volunteers have the opportunity to participate in the VIP sale.  

Hours and location can be found at:

Free parking and lanyards for free admission will be available to all of the NM Cross Country Ski Club Volunteers for this event.  I will need the date and time frame that you plan to volunteer.  This information will be provided by myself to the co-chair for volunteers and board members of SPSP.  Further instructions on where to pick up parking stickers/admission lanyards will be provided closer to the Ski Swap dates.  

The SPSP co-chair has asked NMCCSC for volunteers to work directly for the Ski Swap.  Please sign on as a Ski Swap Volunteer at the above website.  See left side of the page for Volunteer Sign Up. This would be a separate volunteer shift from the NMCCSC table.  

If answering this email to volunteer, please only respond to myself and do not respond with a Reply All.

Thank you.  

Mary Kaye Gallagher