Hello Everyone:
There appears to be some confusion regarding the Ski Swap volunteer email sent out earlier this morning.
There are 2 volunteer opportunities: one for the NMCCSC table and the other directly to the SkiSwap volunteer group.
For clarification:
- If you want to man the information table for NMCCSC,
contact me directly with the dates/times (start to finish) that you want to be there.
The link I provided is ONLY for volunteers directly for the Ski Swap not NMCCSC information table.
I tried it and it appears that an account needs to be created.
Let me get some clarification on this from the SkiSwap co-chair as it is cumbersome and who wants another account with another username/password
out there anyway. Once I have the information, I will send out the email.
Potentially, anyone could volunteer for both, just not on the same date/time.