Fellow Snowgoers...,
...especially those who ski in the Jemez. Frances and I hiked most of the Coyote Call Loop (VCNP) Saturday, and I thought it was interesting enough to report to NMCCSC. The bottom line is that the trail is ready to ski - no obstacles!
We parked at a gate near the NE corner of the trail, bushwhacked up to it, and then hiked CCW:
We found no trees across the trail. There was a deep erosion channel just east of the intersection with Rabbit Ridge trail that, ever since the Las Conchas fire, we had to carefully pick through. It is now filled in!
We guess that the Park Service may have started maintaining the trail, based on this work and the absence of obstacles. There's large root ball with an easy way around on "Sam's Most Beautiful Mile"
There are aspen shoots along the way, especially on the east side, but they shouldn't seriously deter hikers or skiers.
It'll take more than a heavy frost, but Coyote Call is otherwise suitable for skiing this winter.
Happy Trails,
Mike Meier
Feldenmeer on "SMBM" - Valle Grande beyond
Frances coming down the east side.
-- Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. - Charles Darwin