p.s.   ...that would be at 7pm on Nov 9 for the meeting.  Be there, or be...

On Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 2:37 PM Bet Gendron <bettygendron@gmail.com> wrote:

Ah..  pic of Survey Trail!, and mtn man Carl Smith.  Hey, how about that ❄️early frost?  And promises of a *wet winter!*  Time to tune up those slats- mine are easy to find, they never moved..  Come to our November 9 meeting, at Albuq Garden Center, 10120 Lomas NE, just west of Eubank.  You will hear of upcoming trips- like… Pagosa Springs, Dec 8-10, see David’s egroup note 11-3-23.  Hear about more Car Trips, Instruction, Ski Trailwork, Hut/yurt trips, buy/sell equipment.  Our Program this month features Dean Kuethe talking about Waxing- important for both intrepid track and trail skiers.  Also, a bonus presentation- Rob Suminsby will present his recent adventure “End of the World as We Know It: Skiing in Antarctica”.   Please see our wonderful Website for all our information, the calendar, and News!  nmccskiclub.org -check it all out and contact lisarhales@yahoo.com for information!  Say, Membership- ‘we’(that's me too) need to renew our Memberships!  (see Website)  We’ll see you on Thursday!  Bet Gendron