How are snow conditions at Rodondo?

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On Dec 19, 2023, at 5:26 PM, Michael J McDonald <> wrote:

I skied Switchback, Burried Cable, and Ellis today. The snow on the first two was packed but perfectly skiable. I had good grip going up (no wax BC 65 skis) and fair control coming down. Like Katie said, Ellis was very hard packed, fairly smooth, and icy in spots. However, the groomed ski tracks held up reasonably well giving me good enough grip to move along nicely for most of the ski. 

The snow should be about the same for the next couple days. It’s sure not as good as the few days after the snow fell but oh well. Looking forward to more snow.


From: Katie Cunningham via NMCCSCeGroup <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 3:05 PM
To: Perrianne Houghton <>
Cc: NMCCSCEGroup swcp <>
Subject: Re: [NMCCSC] Snow conditions
My daughter snd I drove up today to ski on Ellis. The service road was hard packed and icy. Kiwanis Road had much better snow but so many snow shoers had been on the road that skiing was bumpy. The Meadow had icy patches. I did not try the trails through the woods.
But it was great to be out and the snow is still beautiful.

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> On Dec 18, 2023, at 10:27 PM, Perrianne Houghton via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
> My son and I took the Tram to the Crest today and snowshoed on and just off the Crest Trail north then back south through the trees and on Gravel Pit Tr. off and on. The Crest trail was tracked up and crusty but there were ski tracks in powder still along sections of Gravel Pit. And people were skiing the Service road.
> Perrianne
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 18, 2023, at 5:29 PM, bronwyn willis via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
>> Has any one been to the Jemez?
>> Also would like to know how it is in the Sandias now after the weekend.
>> Thanks ..Bronwyn Willis
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