Hi Everyone,
I just got off the phone with Eugene. Here is what I learned:
- The road is still closed and will likely stay closed throughout the day.
- There is a ton of snow on the highway, making plowing extremely difficult. Drifting from high winds has compounded the
problem with some drifts approaching 4-6 feet high.
- I was told it may take several more days until the road is open to the top and that it is likely that they will have
to open the road in sections once they do open it. The first section would be to the Ski Area Base, which could potentially be open tomorrow sometime. Other sections might be to 165, then to the top of the mountain.
- NM DOT's budget took a significant hit earlier in the fiscal year due to the repair of washed out bridges and major sinkholes.
This has resulted in restraints on approving overtime for employees, including the group that plows the roads, further impacting the timeline for clearing the Crest Road.
- I will be checking back with Eugene this time tomorrow for another update.
Looks like we will not be able to groom until (fingers crossed) Saturday. I will continue to provide updates on our grooming timeline as well.
In the meantime, the pow patiently waits for us... let's us, in turn, patiently wait for it...
Looking forward to seeing you on the snow!
Scott Dietrich