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On Jan 13, 2024, at 7:22 PM, Katie Cunningham via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Thank you Sam for your patience as I tried to get my boots and skis to connect today.  When I returned to ABQ, I went directly to Sports Systems.
They have ordered a new bindings for my skis.  I had a wonderful ski today.  Thank you for your leadership!
Katie Cunningham

On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 4:22 PM Janet Shaw via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
Shout out to Sam Beard for sticking with the stragglers and giving us some skiing tips. Thanks Sam. Beautiful day up there 

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On Jan 12, 2024, at 7:36 AM, S CHAVEZ via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Looking forward to it!

From: NMCCSCeGroup <> on behalf of Sam Beard via NMCCSCeGroup <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 3:52 PM
To: NMCCSCEGroup swcp <>
Subject: [NMCCSC] Ski Club Outing to Redondo CG area, Sat., Jan. 13

Hello Skiers,


On Sat., Jan. 13, Michael Arndt and Sam Beard will lead a NMCCSC outing to the Redondo Campground area in the Jemez Mountains.


Location – San Diego Canyon Overlook parking area across NM-4 from Redondo Campground.


Tour 1 – Sam will lead an Easy loop tour in the forest around the CG and go to the highway about a quarter-mile from the parking lot where we will have lunch. Length – 2.5 miles.


Tour 2 – Michael will lead a slightly longer Easy tour that will include a one-half mile trail to the west of Sam’s route that will return to Sam’s route at a meadow north of the CG. Length –3 miles.


After lunch where the above tours come to the highway, skiers will ski a quarter-mile back to the CG entrance where they may return to the parking lot or continue on a half-mile Easy tour on the CG roads and then go to the parking lot.


MeetMeet at 7:45 am on the far west side of the large Target parking lot SE of the intersection of I-25N and Paseo Del Norte. We will sign the Ski Club attendance form, organize car pooling, and try to leave by 8:00 am. Sam’s vehicle is a blue and white Toyota FJ Cruiser, and Michael’s pickup is large and black. Up to three skiers may ride with Michael and Sam.


Route – Go north on I-25 and exit to the west on US-550 at Bernalillo, at San Ysidro turn right on NM-4 and follow it past Jemez Springs and La Cueva. Continue about 1 to 2 miles on NM-4 a short distance past the CG entrance and park in the large parking lot on the right.


We will divide into the loop tour (Sam) and the slightly longer loop including a side tour (Michael). If you are a beginning skier, I suggest that you join the shorter tour group lead by Sam.


Bring warm clothes, ski equipment, lunch, snacks, drinks, sun screen, and sun glasses. Also, bring MaxiGlide to put on the ski bottoms if the snow becomes sticky. MaxiGlide decreases or eliminates the formation of ice on the ski bottoms.


We plan to have lunch at about noon and leave on the return trip to ABQ by the middle of the afternoon.


Santa Fe Skiers and skiers from other locations – Meet the group at the San Diego Overlook parking lot near Redondo CG at about 9:45 am. It would be helpful if some experienced skiers attend and help the many beginning skiers that may participate.


Please email me if you have questions.


Sam Beard (505-420-4475) and Michael Arndt





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