Greetings, Skiers-  In all the years that I have been a member of the Ski Club, this has been a positive, friendly, supportive group.  Whatever the reason, it appears that with this season this may be changing.  With 280 paid members who expecting to have some healthy recreation in the snow with a friendly group, it is important that some reining in of comments is necessary.

This situation will be brought before the Board in next week's meeting so that a new policy will be formalized.  The Board will vote, the policy will go on record, and it will be presented to the Membership.  Any member is welcome to attend the Board meetings.

Until that time, the NMCCSkiClub Egroup will have an interim policy- Any member of nmccskiclub using the Egroup system will address other members with respect.  Any name-calling, insulting or otherwise derogatory expressions will not be permitted or tolerated.  The Club has the right to revoke membership (This serves as one warning).

As a reminder, when you reply to a sender and do not want your note to go to the whole Club, simply hit 'forward' and insert the person's name.  And, always, think it through before you 'send'!  Now, let's just ski and enjoy this amazing weather out there!

Bet Gendron
Egroups Chair, NMCCSkiClub Board