Thanks to everyone who has already filled out the survey.  To the rest, please don't forget to give us your feedback on a 2025 bus trip.  We hope to hear from everyone in the club before we decide how to proceed.  Follow Nancy's instructions and link below to access the survey.  And thank you, Nancy, for spearheading this effort!


On Monday, January 29, 2024 at 08:20:59 AM MST, Nancy Shane via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Hello, NMCCSC Members! I hope that you are having a wonderful ski season so far this year and have met a few friendly folks along the way. 


At our January membership meeting, the Board broached the idea of a bus trip next year. Before the pandemic, they were a regular feature of the club. Since then, costs have risen and the bus company the club preferred has gone out of business. (There are several others.) At the meeting, several members favorably described club bus trips. The consensus seemed to be that members there would prefer a 4-day (3 night) trip including 2-1/2 days of skiing, as has been typical in the club’s history.

To help us move forward, the Board is seeking your opinions on a possible trip. This includes whether you are interested in going, price sensitivity, and feelings about the club financially supplanting the cost. We are not asking for sign ups and final plans would, of course, be put to a vote. Right now, we just want to know members’ preferences so we know whether we can design a trip that meets our needs.


The Board would love to hear from everyone! The survey is open through Wednesday, February 7th.  Please go to the survey at our club website.  Click on the Bus Survey Event (Feb 7) and click on the "Register Now" button.(If you are not logged you will need to login at this point by clicking on the "Sign In" link.) Then fill out the survey and submit it with the blue registration button at the bottom. The survey is not anonymous, in part because we may want to follow up with people if they have interesting feedback about places to go, etc."


The survey closes Wednesday, February 7th.


Thank you!


Nancy Shane, Membership Chair

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