Hello Skiers,


Michael Arndt and I had scheduled Class I and Class II tours in the Coyote Call area in the Jemez Mountains on Sunday, Feb. 11.


With the heavy snowfall in Albuquerque Saturday morning, I became concerned about the road and parking conditions in the Jemez Mountains.


I sent or received a total of 17 emails with 7 Club members on Saturday concerning the outing. Finally, late in the afternoon Michael and I decided to cancel the outing due to concerns about the road and parking, low temperatures at VCNP of 7F at night and 32F during the day, and having at least two very inexperienced skiers going. I intended to send a cancellation email to the NMCCSC e-group, but did not realize that I had forgotten to send it.


At 8 am on Sunday, I met 5 members who came to the Target parking lot expecting to go skiing. I told them that I had sent the cancellation email to the Club. But when I checked my email records later on Sunday, I found that I had forgotten to send it.


I apologize to all Club members, especially to those who went to Target, for not sending the cancellation email to the Club e-group.


Michael and I will plan another outing to the Coyote Call Area later this winter.


Sam Beard, Trails Chair

New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club