Hello Skiers,

Michael Arndt and I will lead an outing to the Valle Grande area on the VCNP in the Jemez Mountains on Sunday, Feb. 25. Michael will lead a Class I+ tour, and Sam will lead a Class I tour in the same area.

We will park on the shoulder at the Coyote Call Trailhead and go across the gate just north of the highway. This area is located between the main gate to the VCNP and the Historical Sign farther east on the highway. We will follow a former ranch road that leads to the east and down into Valle Grande. We will then either follow the road across the narrow part of Valle Grande to a grove of trees on the south side of Cerro Del Medio or ski to the northeast along the East Fork Creek. The round-trip distances will be 4 to 6 miles. The Class 1+ group will ski faster and farther than the Class I group.

Meet at 8 am on the west side of the Target parking lot SE of the intersection of Paseo del Norte and I-25N. Dress warmly and bring snacks, lunch, drinks, ski equipment, and MaxiGlide to prevent icing on the ski bottoms. If we find hard crust on the descent into Valle Grande, some skiers may want the ski down with skins to reduce speeds. We will car pool.

We will arrive at the trailhead at 9:45 to 10:00. Skiers from Santa Fe or Los Alamos should email me to let me know to expect them. Please email me if you need more directions to the trailhead area.

Please email me if you have questions at samgbeard@msn.com.

 Sam Beard, Trails Chair
NM Cross Country Ski Club