Greetings, Ever-Hopeful Skiers!    

A message came into the Club's Facebook site from Winter Wildlands Alliance regarding Rio Grande National Forest's Over-Snow Vehicle Travel Management Plan (OSV).  This is about snowmobile use including use of access areas to Neff Mtn and Spruce Hole Yurts, just a couple of skiing areas that we use.  There is an initial Zoom meeting this Thursday at 5:30.  I felt that this would be appropriate to send on, as several of our members and leaders use this area.  Winter Wildlands Alliance appears to be an organization in other states also.

I am sending 2 attachments- a copy of their message, and also a picture of their banner.  I leave this for your use at your discretion.   

Bet Gendron
NmccSkiClub Egroups&SocialMedia Chair