We are sorry to announce the passing on Sept 7 of Carl Smith, 86, a long-time friend and skier in the NMCCSkiClub for decades.  A former physicist with Sandia Labs, Carl was a mentor and instructor to many and was integral in many outings and hut trips, lending his mountaineering experience for the benefit of others.  We all enjoyed hearing of his many world-wide climbing adventures, which he regaled with old-school amusement, no matter how harrowing it actually was!   Carl came out of the full-wax ski tradition but transitioned to no-wax with a mighty quiver of equipment, always cable or 3-pin!  He was physically strong- he downhilled, telemarked, and backcountry skied.  He was also a road and mountain biker, with a quiver of bikes!  As a chainsaw sawyer Carl worked closely with his good friend Sam Beard with Friends of the Sandia Mtns and the Ski Club Trails section, keeping open our ski trails in the Sandias and the Jemez.  He contributed his photographic skills to Sam’s book, Ski Touring in Northern NM, Robert Julyan’s The Mountains of NM and others.  Carl was laid up for a few years in the companionship of his wife, Marilyn.  Please see French Funerals for the future Memorial Service schedule,  frenchfunerals.com/obituaries/carl-smith