Hello Everyone:

NMCCSC will be at the NM Ski Swap again this year to provide guidance and suggestions regarding cross-country ski equipment.  Also, to promote the energy, activities and skiing expertise of NMCCSC.  Interested in volunteering for a 2-3 hour time slot??  Please respond to this email with your preferred date, time slot, email address and cell phone number. (Please do not Reply All, only Reply)  This is a great way to meet the cross-country ski community of New Mexico. 

Dates:  November 15th VIP Pre-Sale 7-10pm
             November 16th 9-12 pm & 12-3 pm
             November  17th 9-11 am & 11-1 pm

Location: Expo New Mexico
                300 San Pedro Drive NE

Ski Swap website:

Or:  follow on Facebook

Don't forget about the NMCCSC membership meeting 7 pm October 10th  NMCCSC at the Lomas Garden Center 10120 Lomas Boulevard NE. Dana Price will be talking about her recent ski trip to Finland.

Mary Kaye Gallagher