Was just at the top. 10K and Ellis are still not plowed as of early Saturday morning. Skied at Doc Long yesterday morning and that was great, but that area gets lots of walkers that walk all over the tracks. Heading there now, will let you know what I find. 


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On Saturday, November 9, 2024, 7:54 AM, Guy Miller via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

As of yesterday afternoon, Doc Long was plowed out, as was the Crest parking lot, but nothing in between. Thinking that snow depth would still be early season thin, I took snowshoes to the Crest. Big mistake!  There’s at least 3 feet of primo powder and it will still be good today, and should still be skiable for the next several days. 

Road conditions above the ski area were a bit sketchy. My 4 WD truck had no problem getting up and back down.

Skiers might want to consider taking the tram.

If you go up, please share your findings with us, especially whether or not 10K and Ellis trailheads are plowed yet. 

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