
Count me in as well! 

Would love to hear about opportunities to improve skill set and get some gear help. 

Leah Spatafore 

Leah Spatafore
Cell: 985-768-2301

From: NMCCSCeGroup <> on behalf of Leslie Nipps via NMCCSCeGroup <>
Sent: Sunday, December 1, 2024 8:13:36 AM
To: NMCCSCEGroup Swcp <>
Subject: [NMCCSC] Ski Intructors?
I am a member who lives near ABQ. Is anyone offering private ski lessons this winter for a mostly-beginner? I would like to contract with someone who can help me get better this year. Also, someone who could really patiently explain to me what I need to know to consider buying skis. Thanks!

Leslie Nipps

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