We are still working on scheduling intermediate instruction. 
I just opened registration for the Beginners on the snow instruction, through our web calendar!event/2025/1/4/beginners-on-the-snow-instruction

If you were a beginner last year and would like a refresher, please answer the registration question to indicate that you’re not a first time skier. We will do our best to accommodate. We usually have enough instructors to group people according to their level & needs. 

Telemark practice clinic with Barry will be Saturday Feb. 22. 

Thanks to everyone for your interest in more instruction. 

On 12/1/24 at 9:14 AM, Bet Gendron via NMCCSCeGroup wrote:

From: "Bet Gendron via NMCCSCeGroup" <>
Date: December 1, 2024
To: "NMCCSCeGroup SWCP" <>,
"Kathleen Gygi" <>
Subject: Re: [NMCCSC] Ski Intructors?
Greetings Leslie, Leah, Maryse, Kathleen, and All Skiers!  

The Ski Club has an outstanding Instruction section, led by Dana Price.  Dana has a schedule for Instruction already set and I'm sure it will meet your needs in learning how to get into our beautiful backcountry effectively and safely.  Please refer to our website and go into the section on Instruction for description and scheduling.  It will help you to attend our next meeting Dec 12 at the Albuq Garden Center.  We are excited for the snow to start so we can all enjoy getting out!  We'll see you soon!  
Bet Gendron
Egroups Chair

On Sun, Dec 1, 2024, 9:39 AM Kathleen Gygi via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
Ditto. Happy Sunday all.

On Sun, Dec 1, 2024 at 8:15 AM Leslie Nipps via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
I am a member who lives near ABQ. Is anyone offering private ski lessons this winter for a mostly-beginner? I would like to contract with someone who can help me get better this year. Also, someone who could really patiently explain to me what I need to know to consider buying skis. Thanks!

Leslie Nipps

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