Let's hope that this upcoming cold snap brings some much needed snow to our mountains. I see that Bet just reminded everyone about our upcoming December meeting next Thursday. My turn: our Crested Butte car trip registration begins this Sunday, December 8th at 5pm. There are 18 doubles and 2 single rooms available. For more information, go to our website: ski.nmccskiclub.org/ , and use the calendar to click on the car trip to Crested Butte on February 7th-10th. Then anytime 5pm or later this Sunday, make sure to log in under membership, again go to the calendar to the car trip to Crested Butte, register and pay and you're in!
Additionally, there are still spots available for our Grouse Creek yurt trip January18th-20th and Spruce Hole yurt trip, February 16th-18th. Just follow the same procedure to register.