
    Happy Holidays! 

To follow up on Bet's announcement.  The Avalanche Awareness class at 6pm on Thursday Dec 12th before the meeting will be a program developed by the Utah Avalanche Center and is suitable for all ages and levels of experience.  

In about an hour, you will see the destructive power of avalanches, understand when and why they happen, and how you can have fun in the mountains and avoid avalanches.  We'll answer some questions about local, New Mexico issues and demo some gear.

Feel free to drop in when you are available that night.  Let me know if you have any questions.  See you there.

-Bryan Taylor 

On Friday, December 6, 2024 at 03:12:13 PM MST, Bet Gendron via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Greetings, Ski Club-  In this last announcement for Thursday's Holiday meeting, I should have expanded on Bryan Taylor's 6pm Avi presentation.  Bryan Taylor is a certified Avi instructor.  This is not an official class but his talk will cover basic avalanche awareness and avoidance.  This can help you keep yourself and your ski buddies safe by this information on how, where, when and why avalanches happen.  I learn so much from this.  Bet

On Fri, Dec 6, 2024 at 2:43 PM Bet Gendron <> wrote:
Who are these Wild and Crazy People?  James and Amy Mathis- multi-talented, tele-etc-types, ski ⚙️gearheads🪛 extraordinaire!  You'll learn something!  Hey, our 2024 🎄Holiday🎋 meeting is this Thursday, 7pm Dec 12, at the Albuq Garden Center, 10120 Lomas NE.  We have SO much happening- 2 events at the Meeting!!  At 6pm Bryan Taylor will share info on 🏔️ Avalanche Awareness- we all need this refresher to keep ourselves and our ski compadres safe!  Come early and take notes!!  Then, Marcia wants us all to bring our 🍰 🥮fave Holiday Goodies🍪 to share for our pot-luck Refreshment time, and enjoy meeting our many new members and visitors in your 💃fancy Holiday dress-ups!!🕺  You will hear about our 🚙 Crested Butte car trip (WooHoo!), Yurt trips, the Hut trip.  Dana Price is working hard to schedule  Instruction for all levels, starting with Beginning Skiers. ⛷️  Also Intermediate skills, telemark skills, avalanche awareness&practice, and another Jon Delios XC clinic.  I'm thinking there will be some gear/equipment 🎿 to buy&sell!  Won't this be a great start to the Season? ❄️ See you there! ☃️
Bet Gendron, Egroups/SocMedia Chair 
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