What is this visage?  Why, this is Peter Marks on the remote Fawn Pass Tr, on our last Ski Club trip to Yellowstone!  Hey, you too can be ready for some soon-to-be-coming snow and skiing opportunities 🌨️- check out what the NMCCSkiClub has to offer very soon on our Website- (Membership>Member Login), go to the Calendar 👀 where you can click on the event to register for it.  Easy, peasy!  We have some amazing, hardworking Instructors, including Dana, Doug, Bryan, Marlene, Stacey, and Barry XWind!  You can't go wrong, take advantage of their knowledge!  Come to our Thursday January 9th meeting, at 7pm, Albuq Garden Center, 10120 Lomas NE.  Our presentation will be by Bryan Taylor, about building a sled or stretcher in the case of an emergency with the ski equipment you are likely carrying, also an equipment discussion if there's time.  Hear about our 2 scheduled Yurt trips, the Hut trip, the fun Crested Butte car trip🚙,  Instruction for beginning and intermediate skiers, telemark skills ⛷️, and avalanche  🏔️ beacon and rescue practice!  We have many new members and visitors- come meet them over our Refreshments! 🍪🥕  Oh, and more 🎿equipment/gear⚙️ to buy or sell?  Come prepared$!  Snow is coming❄️- get out your stuff and be ready!  See you!  
Bet Gendron, Egroups Chair