Thank you, I hope the tree update brings a pleasant surprise.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 8, 2025, at 11:24 AM, Michael F via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Report #2. Skied out cat-track to tram. Where the snow was somewhat sheltered it was good - solid B. Where it was exposed to wind it was crusty but skiable. I'd give it a C. However, any southerly aspect was dust on gravel, or if it was shaded dust on glacier ice. Solid F. Heading in to see what's going on in the woods next.

On Jan 8, 2025 8:43 AM, Renee Rector via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Can someone provide a link for an updated snow report?
Thank you,
Renee Rector
Sent from my iPhone

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