Thanks for the report, David!

On Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 5:04 PM David D Antonio via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
Started skiing about 11:30. Maybe 6" over the last 3 storms, most of it today. Skied Switchback, Rocky Point, Gravel Pit and then across & down Kiwanis Meadow. Beautiful snow, just not quite enough. The lower Switchback was nice but Buried Cable and the upper section needed more to erase all the sins of those who were there before. Rocky Point was fairly good also, a rock or two and holes and ice chunks here and there. I would not do Gravel Pit until we get more snow- lots of holes, ice chunks and a number of rocks. For an easier day, stick to the groomed Nordic trails, they'll be smooth. All in all a good day, and nice warm up for Grouse Creek this coming weekend, which by the way still has spots available. Doug Erb and I would love to have you along!
David D'Antonio

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