Check out these intrepid backcountry skiers in the deep wilderness on March 1(!)❄️any ideas of the location?  Come hear about the wonderful events and instruction that have been going on in the Club, as described in Kristen's magnificent Newsletter!  See the Website, thank you Lisa, (Membership>Member Login), go to Calendar where you can click on an event to register.  Come see what our hardworking Instructors have been doing- Dana, Bryan, Marlene, Stacey, Doug, and Barry, and how many skiers are benefitting.  We all get better and better because of their work- thanks to all of you!  OMGosh, come hear about the glam(ha!)🤸Hut trip, the Yurt trips🏔️, and the Crested Butte car trip🚙!!  Coming up are the Spruce Hole Yurt trip and BarryXWind's telemark clinic!!⛷️  The meeting is Thursday Feb 13, at 7pm, Albuq Garden Center, 10120 Lomas NE. Our presentation will be by Jason Kitting of the NM Bird Alliance🪶- he will show us what 🦅birds🐦 we may see while skiing in NM.  (See Jason's Bio attached below).  I know that we hear the birds🐦‍⬛but sometimes I see them real close and low and never hear a sound- this will be great to get our attention on what's around us as we ski.  We have many new members and visitors- come meet them over our🧀🥕Refreshments🍪 by hardworking Marcia and Geri.  Get ready to sell or buy $ some equipment🎿at the meeting, we will have more chances to use our gear!
Bet Gendron, Egroups Chair