Read this first: Do not reply to all. Contact me directly if you have questions.
The Ski Santa Fe Tele Clinic is a go for next Saturday, Feb. 22!
to have gone dark for the past month, but just got back from Baja.
Looks like I returned to a pretty bleak snowpack, but this week's storm
(and hopefully a few more inches next week) should make for decent snow.
Probably not having a powder clinic, but there are so many aspects of Tele to work on.
I believe Brian Taylor will be my co-instructor.
Two sessions: 10am-noon & 1-3pm. Do one or both.
10am-noon session: will have a slight bias to lower level skills, but everyone will be tasked.
1-3pm session:
Focus will shift to slightly higher skills, but if you're a beginner
and couldn't attend the AM session, you will be accommodated.
Meet at
the base area, between the wall made of railroad ties and the new
high-speed quad. Allow extra driving time, since skiers seem to be more
rabid after new snow in a snow drought year.
I always get questions about gear rental and my only contribution would
be a pair of women's Size-8 boots. Sorry that none of our NM
shops/retailers can help out with retail sales and/or rentals. I feel your pain. That's
the price we pay for our niche sport.
What to bring?
Wider metal-edged skis and plastic boots would be a preferred kit. But
even more important than state-of-the-art Tele gear is: Show up with a
willingness to get out of your comfort zone... just a wee tiny bit.
Having a good attitude goes a looong way!
Sign up on the club's web site if you want to attend.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Contact info below.
Let it snow,
Barry Ritchey (AKA TeleRanger)
505 238-8123