Here's the Bad News: The final NMCCSC Board Meeting was held on Thursday February 27th. It was brought to my attention that our two hard working Refreshment people, Geri Newton and Marcia Congdon, have decided to not continue in their roles on the Refreshment
committee for the 2025/2026 ski season.
The Good News is that these vacancies provided an opportunity for the Board to have a discussion. The Board agreed that a simplified, less complex menu would allow the Refreshment volunteers to actively attend future membership meetings. The exception to
this less complex menu arrangement would be the Holiday potluck in December when each member brings a dish to share. The expectation would be that all attendees help in some way with the clean-up.
So, do I hear any interest from 2 willing volunteers for this Board Position? Two volunteers would ensure coverage in the event the other person is out of town.