Whoa!! Who are these strong-quadricepped downhill ⛷️ Tele-skiers?? This was Barry Ritchey's Feb 22 Tele group in SantaFe- Get Down!! (..literally!)  Well, we may not have had much ❄️**snow**🌨️ nearby, but this year was magnificently successful for our Ski Club!  Thanks to our many event leaders, we had full participation for Instruction, the Car Trip 🚙, the Hut & Yurt trips, Avalanche Awareness and Beacon/Rescue practice, not to mention our 🍔 Sept picnic(!)🌭 and our many meetings! Its so wonderful to be able to meet our🤸 new people, bringing new💃energy🕺and experience to our group- stand by for great things in the future!  Hey, our March meeting is this Thursday, Mar 13, at 7pm at Albuq Garden Center, 10120 Lomas NE.  Come to recap our experiences, and to hear about future plans for our next, definitely **snowier**, year.  Our program will be members' pictures and talking of their winter events. !Pls Pls Please! look over your shots and send your pics in to Lisa at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kR531MugCCsiDGqB-0qYviTzfyfPJ-Uq?usp=drive_link.  If that doesn't work, email them to her at lisarhales@yahoo.com.  Also, more ⚙️equipment🎿to sell/buy? Bring$$!  Hey- !!Big Item!!- Our Refreshment Chairs, Marcia Congdon with assistance from Geri Newton, have gone wonderfully overboard to provide us with 🍪yummy goodies🥕🧀 at every meeting.  However, they are !!moving on- Yipes!! 😱  So we need a couple of Refreshment Chairs- contact Mary Gallagher at mkg2404@hotmail.com. (Do not 'reply' to this email).  Say, how about our Newsletter- thank you Kristen Little!!  🙌 It has been so beautiful! 🎉 Thank you to every single one of our hardworking Ski Club Board members- personally I can say that this is one of the better Boards I have had the privilege to serve on, gratitude to All.  See you Thursday!
Bet Gendron
NMCCSkiClub Egroups, Soc Media Chair