Hello Skiers,

Ski Club member David Torney lives in the Jemez Mountains and reports several inches of new snow in the Coyote Call area on the Valles Caldera National Preserve.

He will ski there today and let me know the conditions that he found.

Michael Arndt and I are planning to ski a Class I tour in the Coyote Call area tomorrow, March 9. 

We are inviting Ski Club members to join us for this Class I tour. We plan to ski in the meadows just south of NM-4 and hope that the NMDOT has plowed shoulders wide enough to park there.

Meet at 8 am on the west side of the Target parking lot SE of the intersection of I-25 North and Paseo del Norte. 

We will carpool; therefore, some drivers must come prepared to drive. We can take 3 skiers in Michael's truck.

Please let me know if you plan to attend. 

Sam Beard, Trails Chair NMCCSC