WestConnect Developer Selection Process Task Force,


As a reminder, the next meeting of the Developer Selection Process Task Force is this Wednesday (August 24th) from 1-3pm PDT/2-4pm MDT via webinar.  A meeting agenda is attached.  Webinar/call-in information follows.


Webinar and call-in information:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.

United States : +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 547-361-869


Thank you,


Tami Anderson


Tami Anderson  \  Burns & McDonnell

Associate Transmission Planning Engineer \ Business Consulting \ Business & Technology Services

O 952-656-3669 \  M 612-986-2675  \  F 952-229-2923

taanderson@burnsmcd.com  \  burnsmcd.com

8201 Norman Center Drive, Suite 300  \  Bloomington, MN 55437