*This is a reminder for the September 22nd in-person meeting of the developer selection process task force.  The meeting will take place at TEP offices located at 88 E. Broadway Blvd.  The meeting will be held in Conf Rm-HQ-241-A, which is the same meeting room as the PMC meeting being held the day prior.  Webinar and call-in information for the meeting can be found below.  Thank you.*


WestConnect Transmission Developer Selection Task Force,


The September task force meeting will be held in Tucson, AZ on Thursday, September 22nd from 8am-12pm PDT/local at Tucson Electric’s offices located at 88 E. Broadway Blvd.  Webinar/call-in capability will also be available.  This meeting has been posted to the WestConnect calendar.  As an agenda and meeting materials become available they will be posted to the WestConnect calendar.


Webinar and call-in information:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.

United States : +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 547-361-869

Thank you,

Heidi Pacini | new 401.619.3628 office | 303.229.9401 mobile | Heidi@PacEnergies.com