WestConnect Developer Selection Process Task Force,


The next iteration of the draft Developer Selection Process Procedure Document is ready for your review.  This version reflects changes made as a result of the comments received by 2/17/2017, and the subsequent discussion and resolution of those comments by the task force during their 2/22/2017 and 3/1/2017 task force calls.  A redline and a clean version of the procedure document is attached.  Please return any comments you may have on this draft by the end of day this Friday, March 10th


Bob would like to next send the procedure document to the Tariff Task Force (TTF) for their review.  We then hope to use our March or April task force meeting to review the TTF comments.


Thank you,


Heidi Pacini | new 401.619.3628 office | 303.229.9401 mobile | Heidi@PacEnergies.com