Hello FOSM Members:
Please see the attached Word Document regarding a proposal for expansion of the FOSM Board of Directors. If approved, this action would increase the number of Board Members from six to eight. These sorts of matters are usually resolved at the FOSM Annual Meeting
of the Membership which is usually held at our last meeting each October. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions, all FOSM meetings for 2020 have been cancelled, therefore, this action is being accomplished electronically. If this proposal is approved, the
regular October election would include two additional nominees.
Reminder - Only current FOSM members are eligible to vote on this matter.
If you wish to submit your vote electronically, please email your response indicating "Approve" or "Do Not Approve" of the proposal to info@friendsofthesandias.org not later than 5:00 pm, July 15, 2020.
If you wish to complete and mail in a paper ballot, please print the ballot at the bottom of the attached file and mail it according to the instructions therein.
All responses not received by the due date will be presumed to be an affirmative vote.
Thank all for your attention to this matter.
Bob Lowder, President
Friends of the Sandia Mountains