Hello Everyone:
Following is a message from Kerry Wood concerning his assignment to the Cibola National Forest Supervisor's Office.
Bob L.

Since March of last year I've been working in a temporary Forest-wide capacity managing trails and trail projects across the Cibola. Yesterday I received an official notice that I am now permanently at the Supervisors Office serving in that capacity. What this means is that I divide my time amongst the four mountain districts and to a lesser extent the two grasslands of the Cibola. There are a few high profile/priority projects on Mt. Taylor including the Zuni Mtns Trail Project as well as the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail that have been taking a good bunch of my time.


Although I've been busy in other locals, I'll still have a lot of involvement with the Sandia including saw certification/recertification and other support roles. Unfortunately I won't be able to get in the field on Sandia as much as I'd like but from time to time I hope to do so.


Of course Russell Berman is the Trails Foreman and a great day to day contact point but you can always keep me in the loop on all manner of trails and wilderness stuff.


I've always considered myself very lucky to have "stumbled" upon a position on the Sandia with such great volunteers and don't plan to be too much a stranger!




Forest Service Shield

Kerry Wood
Trails & Wilderness Manager

Forest Service

Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands Supervisors Office

p: 505-346-3869

2113 Osuna Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87113
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