Hello Everyone,


On Tuesday, September 8, paint crew members Anne Hickman, Rikki Barrett, Jane Harrison, and Sam Beard worked on the following tasks at four locations on the Crest Highway:


  1. Striping Tree Spring Parking Lot – White parking stripes were painted in the Tree Spring Trailhead parking lot.
  2. Painting at Ellis Trailhead – The privacy panel and the sign board on it were painted with USFS brown paint. The trash container was also painted.
  3. Painting at 10K North Trailhead – The exterior south side of the 10K restroom and a trash container were painted.
  4. Graffiti Removal at Crest Overlook – Silver graffiti on a stone wall at the Crest Overlook was removed.
  5. Graffiti removal at 10K North Trailhead – Graffiti remover was used on five patches of graffiti with varying levels of success. Near the parking lot, large blue letters on two boulders were only partially removed. More of the blue was removed from a smaller horizontal boulder there. Most of two solid blue bats was removed on the old road clearing 0.2 mile and 0.4 mile from the trailhead.


Photographs are presented in the attached Word document.


Anne Hickman and Sam Beard, Paint Crew

Friends of the Sandia Mountains



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