Hello Everyone:
Yesterday, September 28, 2020, the FOSM Trails Maintenance Crew hiked Challenge trail from its start at the Ellis parking lot to the 10K North trailhead, north on 10K to Survey trail and then a return to Ellis via Survey. Only one fallen tree, a dead 6-inch
diameter fir on 10K North, was found Monday. It was removed. In addition, the crew also cut 5 previously cut protruding trees further back from the trails in an effort to improve user safety, particularly during the winter months when trail margins can be
obscured by snow.
A little taste of winter greeted the crew Monday morning as the temperature at Ellis registered a brisk 26 degrees. The day remained cool as the Ellis temperature was at 42 degrees in the early afternoon when the crew returned. The Aspen color show this
year appears to be a bit of a "mixed bag". Some patches of Aspens display their color in a traditional manner, while others show the effects of a stressful hot, dry summer, high winds, a big hail storm and an early frost.
Yesterday's crew consisted of Rav Nicholson, Bill Savage, Jerry Pekarek, Jim Levesque, Byron Garner and Bob Lowder. Please see the attached Word file for photos and additional narrative. All photos by Bill Savage.
Bob L.