Hello Everyone,


On Wednesday, November 25, eleven FOSM volunteers collected about 1.5 cords of firewood from Capulin Picnic Area and hauled it to the hazmat building behind the Ranger Station. The wood will be picked up by the East Mountain Christian Church Wood Ministry and distributed to needy families in the East Mountain area.


Hazard trees that were felled earlier were bucked into 12-inch lengths and split so that the wood could be handled easier. Joe Meade provided the use of his truck and trailer to haul the wood, and Lou Romero drove Joe’s pickup. At the hazmat building behind the ranger station, the wood was dumped by raising the bed of the trailer. Wood hauled in the pickup bed was manually piled on the ground.


The FOSM volunteers thanked Joe and Lou for making it possible to move the donation wood to the ranger station.


Photos of the project are presented in the attached Word document.


The volunteers were Joe Meade, Lou Romero, Cliff Giles, Sim Cook, Dennis Crowther, Jerry Pekarek, Bill Savage, Byron Garner, Jim Levesque, Sam Beard, and Jerry Carroll.


Sam Beard, Projects Chair

Friends of the Sandia Mountains