Hello Everyone,
On Monday, April 12, FOSM volunteers continued working on the No. 2 restroom roof in Oak Loop in Oak Flat Group Picnic Area.
We completed the installation of the eight 3-ft by 16- ft steel roof panels. Photos are presented in the attached Word document.
We will return later to install the gable trim on each end and the ridge cap.
The volunteers working today were Russell Parker, Joelle Hertel, Lou Romero, Sam Beard, and Mike Madden.
At times today, we had only three volunteers, and someone would have to come down from the roof to help me handle the panels and hold them for cutting with a circular saw.
We need at least two more volunteers to work with the 4 or 5 volunteers who have been working regularly on this project.
Please let me know by 7 pm on Sunday, April 18, if you will definitely work on Friday, April 23. If we do not get more volunteers on this project, we will not be able to continue on the planned schedule.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains