Following is an email received today from Julie Littlefield, wife of Dr. Larry Littlefield, letting us know that Larry passed away today at their home in Seattle, Washington.  Larry was a former FOSM board member and the author, along with the late Pearl Burns, of "Wildflowers of the Sandia and Manzano Mountains of Central New Mexico," and "Wildflowers of the Northern and Central Mountains of New Mexico."  He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Sandia Ranger District as well as our native wildflowers.
Dan Benton
Dear Friends,
I'm writing to tell you that Larry died here at home early today, April 19th.  I emailed you all earlier to tell you that he had undergone extensive emergency abdominal/thoracic surgery on March 2nd. We were able to honor his very clear end of life wishes to be at home with his family, to be comfortable and without any artificial life support. We are grateful to have had hospice help and a home health aide. 
During the past month Larry and our family have had many good conversations, have shared memories and looked at photos of our lives over the years. I can't tell you how much he and I appreciated your tributes, reminiscences, kind thoughts and good wishes. Knowing that you were thinking of us is such a great comfort to me.
With thanks and love,