Hello Everyone:
Today, May 2, 2022, the FOSM Trails maintenance Crew hiked Wagon Trail, Upper Horse Bypass Trail and portions of Faulty, Lower Cienega and Aceqia trails to remove previously reported problem trees and to do other work as needed. Work completed was as follows; the protruding top of a fallen 9-inch diameter tree was cut back, the protruding end of an old previously cut 8-inch diameter tree was cut back, a 9-inch diameter tree fallen over and along the upper margin of the trail was as was a long dead 8-inch diameter tree on the ground beneath it. A 4-inch diameter log on the ground along the upper edge of the trail was rolled away. All these problem trees were located on the Horse Bypass Trail. As of noon today, these trails and trail sections were all clear.
It was a clear day with cool temperatures in the morning. Occasional gusts of wind made the air feel significantly cooler. As the morning went on, some of the wind gusts were fairly strong. As is usual for spring, the sun did provide its warmth.
Today's crew consisted of Ken Nicholson, Jerry Pekarek, Byron Garner, Rav Nicholson, Jamey Browning, Michael Arndt and Bob Lowder.
Please see attached Word document for photos and additional narrative. All photos by Jamey Browning.
Bob L .