Hello Everyone:


Yesterday, the FOSM Trails Maintenance Crew hiked Crest Trail 130 North and Survey Trail to remove preciously reported fallen trees and to do whatever other work needed to be done. By day’s end, the crew had removed twelve fallen trees or portions thereof  ranging in size from four to eighteen inches in diameter from Crest Trail 130. Survey Trail was clear, but there will be some fine tuning to do later, particularly where work had been done in the snow. The majority of the work involved the removal of large fallen trees whose size and complexity resulted in time consuming work. Much of the needed work was that which was left by our Forest Gnomes as being beyond their ability or tools. Our crew has been referred to as the trail work “Heavy Artillery”. By the time our crew returned to our start/finish location at the Ellis parking lot, it was well past 5:00 pm.


Although the day was long, the weather cooperated as it was sunny, but mostly cool and the wind light, if at all. The trails were dry and the snow has all but disappeared from this area. The wildflowers are having a hard time this year as they are fewer and many stunted in their growth. The most common blooms along Monday’s trails were small Canada Violets. Monday’s crew consisted of Byron Garner, Cleve Sharp, Jamey Browning, Jerry Pekarek, Silke Bletzer, Tony Pachelli and Bob Lowder.


Please see attached Word document for photos and additional narrative. Photos by Cleve Sharp, Silke Bletzer, Jamey Browning and Bob Lowder.


Due to the forest closure, this is likely the last FOSM trail work report for a while. I hope it won’t be too long before I can send these reports out again.


Bob L.