Hello Everyone:
Yesterday, Monday, August 1, 2022, the FOSM Trails Maintenance Crew hiked Capulin Peak Trail to remove fallen trees and to do other maintenance as needed. This trail, a bit less than a mile long, begins just below the big parking lot loop at the Capulin Snowplay Area and ends on a scenic overlook above Las Huertas Canyon. It does not tend to be a high use trail as it is short and and does not connect to other USFS system trails, but its scenic views and small change in elevation make for a pleasant hike. This trail also passes the site of an old wooden USFS fire lookout that burned down in 1948. (Ironic?) The oak brush is thick and there is little that remains of it. In addition to getting important work done, this shorter hike provided a break for the crew from the usual day-long hikes that can get quite warm in the afternoon this time of year.
In addition to removing a couple of small, slightly protruding hang-ups, cutting back branches/overgrowth and a lot other routine maintenance, the crew removed two six and seven inch diameter trees hung-up over the trail and cut back the end of a fourteen inch diameter broken fir tree top looming over the trail.
Monday's crew consisted of Byron Garner, Sally Lowder, Jerry Pekarek, Sim Cook, John Cooper, Jamey Browning, David McCreery, Jenny Blackmore, Silke Bletzer, Phil Cromer, Rav Nicholson, Ken Nicholson and Bob Lowder
Please see attached Word document for photos and additional narrative. All photos by Sally Lowder and Silke Bletzer.
Bob L.