Hello everyone,

After a hiatus from trail work in the early part of the month, the FOSM trail construction crew returned last Thursday to the Challenge Trail extension, south of the Tree Spring trailhead. (The anticipated work on reroutes near the Crest has been postponed.)  After some recent moisture it was easy to see (on a Tuesday scouting trip) where more work needed to be completed on new sections we'd built. So on Thursday the whole crew dove into finish-work, especially widening the new tread and taking down the angle of the backslope. Temps were mild, but it was still a boon to work on a northwest-facing slope, much of it in the shade. See attached report for photos and more details.

The volunteers were Joe Beman, Claudia Bergsohn, Jenny Blackmore, Sim Cook, Lane Findley, Byron Garner, Jim Houle, Pat Madden, Eric Russell, Roland Stumpf and Ralph Wrons.

Jenny Blackmore
FOSM Project Leader