Hello Everyone:
Today, Monday, August 15, 2022, the FOSM Trail Maintenance Crew hiked Sulphur Trail, a portion of Faulty Trail, Bill Spring Trail and the Doc Long/Sulphur Connector trail. The morning was clear and fairly cool, but the day warmed rapidly. It is apparent the summer is in no hurry to leave the Sandias. The main purpose of the hike was to once again check on the large hang up tree located on Faulty above the Sulphur junction and remove it if needed. The crew has been monitoring this tree and will continue to do so. After careful analysis, it was determined that no attempt would be made to remove the tree as it would be more hazardous for the crew to attempt removal than the hazard caused by walking under it.
The remainder of the hike was spent doing more or less routine maintenance such as cutting back protruding branches, including those from a dead fir tree that had fallen along the side of the trail with branches sticking into the tread. As usual, there was plenty to do along Bill Spring Trail where there never seems to be a shortage of dead trees or parts thereof that need attention. These trails or trail sections are clear.
Please see the attached Word file for photos and additional narrative. All photos by Silke Bletzer.
Today's crew consisted of Byron Garner, Jerry Pekarek, Cleve Sharp, Sim Cook, John Cooper, David McCreery, Rene Archer, Luis Cuadros, Silke Bletzer and Bob Lowder.
Bob L.