FOSM Members/Volunteers

Please plan to join us next week to hear Jessica Sapunar-Jursich tell us about an exciting new City of Albuquerque Open Space program.

TITLE OF PROGRAM  "Increasing Outdoor Access: City of Albuquerque Neighborhood Open Space Initiative Year 1 Review"


Research supports that regular time outdoors helps children thrive. However, on average, today’s kids spend up to 44 hours per week in front of a screen, and less than 10 minutes a day playing outdoors. And for too many kids, access to nature is determined by race, income, and zip code. With little time for nature exploration, children miss out on critical opportunities for social, physical, and cognitive growth. Inequitable access to the outdoors is not limited to youth, and an abundance of research demonstrates the inequality of physical and mental health outcomes based on access level to the outdoors.
The City of Albuquerque Open Space Division has completed its first year of programming aimed at increasing and supporting equitable access to public lands for all members of our community. The Neighborhood Open Space Initiative is a diverse and scaffolded slate of programs working to dismantle systemic barriers through innovative programming rooted in community partnerships and locally based.
Join us to learn more about this ground-breaking City program and participate in a discussion about how FOSM might partner in this important work with us.


Jessica Sapunar-Jursich, Education Supervisor for the City of Albuquerque Open Space Division, is passionate about connecting people of all ages to the joy and benefits of time spent in nature. She has implemented nature-based programming for infants and parents, families, youth, and adults on public lands in New Mexico for over twenty years. A mother of two, she earned her Bachelor’s in Natural Resources Management from UNM in 1999, Masters in Environmental Education from UNM in 2001, graduate program in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership and K-8 Elementary Teaching License with endorsements in science and social studies from College of Santa Fe in 2004. Academics aside, nothing makes her happier than exploring in nature with childlike enthusiasm and curiosity and sharing that excitement with others.


Topic: FOSM Membership Meeting
Time: Sep 6, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time

Dial-in (Not toll-free): 346-248-7799



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Please use the link on the website if you experience difficulties joining this meeting (as happened in May).

Presentations from the April, May, July, and August meetings as well as the video recording of the June meeting are available at