This message is from Steve Roholt:
FOSMs Adopt a Highway cleanup will take place on Saturday June 24. If you have not yet done so, please email me to confirm you will be there. We need a few more volunteers. Meet at 0830 at the Sandia Ranger Station parking lot in TIjeras. ( The lot by the restrooms) Parking at our section is limited and we will need to carpool. We do not want to park on the roadway. Provided: Reflective vests, trash bags and 6 long handled trash picker uppers. Required: Long pants and long sleeved shirts( no shorts please), eye protection, sun protection, sturdy footwear( no open toes please) work gloves, and enough fluids to last for about 3 hours. Optional:Hand tools( loppers, pruning saws, to clear overhanging brush by the guardrail) Power blower and / or large brooms to clear dirt from the shoulders. I will provide extra tools from the FOSM guardhouse if needed. No chainsaws. No hard hats required. When we meet I will hand out the vests bags and picker uppers and do a brief JHA. We anticipate working from around 915 and wrapping up by noon. Mike and Pat and Don C:You can meet us at the site. Park your vehicles by the red gate ( you know where this is?) off of the highway and take the short walk up the highway to meet the rest of us. There is a paved pull off a short distance up from the start of our section where the rest of us will park and convene. Figure we will arrive between 9-915. Please walk off the highway facing traffic. Let’s leave the place better than we found it! See you